Human Impact on the Coniferous Forest has been negative. An example of what humans have done that impacts the forest is Logging - the cutting down of trees. Cutting down trees can be quite bad, especially if species in the forest live in one of the trees cut down. That species was using that tree as their home, and now that it's gone, they have nowhere to live. Another issue is that logging can also change the area drastically. If many species were using a cluster of trees at the time, and every tree was cut down, then all of these species would be out of a good source of potentially food, as well as a place to live. And, without these said trees, leaves can't fall and land on the forest floor, creating a unique layer and help other plants and flowers grow. Also, the less trees there are, the less oxygen is being produced. Being that plants (including Trees) creat oxygen from carbon dioxide, with less trees, there will be more carbon dioxide remaining in the area, and it will be converted to oxygen much slower than before, due to less trees and plantlife to convert it into Oxygen. Logging can cause these major problems in the forest and more, and will continue to have negative side effects until either a new method is made or a more efficient way is created and shared.